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G5 Pre-A Level Facts

Course Overview

G5 Pre-A Level Programme is designed to prepare students to join the G5 A-Level programme or progress to our mainstream A-Level Programme with realistic plans of becoming a doctor, dentist, or veterinary surgeon. The G5 refers to the 5 best universities in the UK in the QS World University Rankings.

This programme will help students build a strong academic foundation that they can use for A-Levels. Aiming to improve GCSE grades and English skills, which are important for applying to competitive undergraduate courses worldwide.

With just one year in which to secure top grades, the subjects we are offering have been very carefully considered to suit those looking to the G5 A-Level programme and those who have aspirations focused on the medical sciences. All the students will study towards a GCSE in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and they will choose between Economics or Biology. In addition to that they continue their studies in English as a second language.

Our emphasis will be on academic excellence, however, if students are to make a truly competitive application to the top universities, they will need to demonstrate that they are developing the skills, attitudes and habits that will enable them to thrive at undergraduate level and beyond. These students will also be encouraged to proactively engage with supra and extra-curricular activities that facilitate their personal development so that they will be able to thrive when it comes to their A-Level studies.

Formal GCSE examinations will be taken (ESL will be IELTS or Cambridge Suite)

Leads to G5 A Level Programme or a Medical Pathway within the standard A Level programme

To gain a place on the G5 Pre-A Level programme you need to demonstrate that you are developing the academic potential and personal qualities needed to win a place at a G5 University. The minimum entry requirements are:


  • Model United Nations
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Mathematical Olympiad
  • Physics Olympiad
  • Computing Olympiad
  • Engaging with Technology module

Subject Choice and Structure

This programme will give you the basic skills and knowledge needed to start a university preparation programme. Students take a range of compulsory subjects.

Compulsory subjects
English | Mathematics | Chemistry | Physics
Optional subjects
Economics | Biology

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